Suntec Alarm Security Sdn Bhd
39, Jalan Dedap 18,
Taman Johor Jaya,
81100 Johor Bahru,
Johor, Malaysia.
+607-3519199 / 3525199


     Access Control ---    Mag-Time Attendance Station    ---

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Fingerprint with LCD screen
10K users.  11K memory transaction.  1450 fingerprint records.  2 fingerprints per user.

Guaranteed 1.2 sec to read fingerprint. No need to put finger precisely - 90 deg tolerance for ease of using.

Customizable welcome screen. Programmable output for automation function - Eg. Turn on lights at pre-set schedule.  LCD shows employee name. More accurate duty based time attendance.

AR821EF_OS / AR821EF_CS.